Friday, June 12, 2015


Alimony refers to the spousal support a court requires one spouse pay another

The three types of alimony in New Jersey are:

Rehabilitative alimony
- Intended to assist an ex-spouse with job training and/or education.
- Limited time period depending on circumstances.

Permanent alimony
- Indefinite amount of time.
- Typically restricted to marriages of substantial duration.

Limited duration (term) alimony
- Fixed duration of support for a spouse during divorce proceedings.

Factors That Can Affect Spousal Support

Lifestyle, mutual contribution, and marital duration are all considered when determining alimony. Our experience here at the Simon Law Group enables us to critically analyze your relationship to make sure your interests are protected in this calculation.

Alimony Issues After the Divorce
If substantial changes in your or your ex-spouse’s circumstances occur, alimony awards may be modified. They may even be terminated. If one spouse remarries, changes jobs or experiences a change in health or income, the alimony is subject to modification. Our guidance here at the Simon Law Group will keep you prepared for such contingencies.

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