Friday, March 17, 2017

Big brother is at it again...This time Samsung

It's amazing what companies are trying to get away with over and over again. Remember the day when you were concerned about who would receive information on the items you were purchasing with a credit card. Well those days are long gone. Now we need to worry about who is listening to the private conversations going on in your family room or even your BEDROOM! Smart TVs are the rage because it can make your life so much more enjoyable, as well as the kids' entertainment. However, at what price.  This is the second time TV manufacturers are caught with their pants down. First Visio, now Samsung. They have the ability to listen to your conversation, it is translated and then sold to marketers or worse. We don't know the depths of this yet. Time will tell. This is a complete invasion of privacy.

If you are in need of a NJ Lawyer because you believe your rights have been violated, call for your free consult 800-709-1131 or complete this form and we can call you.  Depending on the type of case, sometimes there are no attorney fees unless you win. Regardless consultations are free!  Call today 800-709-1131.

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