Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Stark & Stark Shareholder Quoted in New Jersey Law Journal Article

Benjamin E. Widener, Shareholder and Chair of the Employment Law Group for Stark & Stark, was interviewed in Medical Marijuana a Hazy Issue for NJ Employers, which was published in the New Jersey Law Journal on September 4, 2015.

The article discusses the effect that New Jersey’s medical marijuana legalization has had on employers. More specifically, the three wrongful-termination suits that have been filed after workers were fired for failing drug tests. When first passed, New Jersey’s Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act of 2010 did not grant workers any protection regarding testing.

However, Mr. Widener still believes that act is open to further interpretation. “I believe that the law is relatively unclear and that it begs a lot of questions that probably should be answered by the Assembly,” he said. “But, more than likely, our courts will have to answer those questions.”

To read the full article, click here.

from New Jersey Law Blog

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