Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Personal Injury - Talc Powder Cases To New Jersey

New Jersey has been chosen for the location to hear all of the suits throughout the country regarding the claims that Talk powder links to cancer.  There have been numerous suits over the years, some dismissed, many still pending and even more new ones.  Judge Wolfson in the District Court of New Jersey will hear the consolidated cases.  It is unfortunate for a lot of the plaintiffs in these cases as they are from out of state which means when it comes to testify, they will most likely need to travel to New Jersey.   The suit "seeks compensation for personal injuries or wrongful death that resulted in ovarian or uterine cancer in women who applied talcum powder to their genital area and for failure to warn of the risk of cancer."  Talc powder has been used for years by families from women to babies.  It will be interesting to see how these cases play out. This will most definitely take a while to see out. Stay tuned.

If you believe you have fell victim to a product and feel others as well, contact Simon Law Group, personal injury firm for a free consultation to find out if you have a case.  No cost to you.

Call 800-709-1131 or visit the personal injury page and complete the form on the bottom of the page. Link

Suits Linking Talc to Cancer Consolidated in NJ Federal Court

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