Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Be One of Our Blawg 100 Amici!

Every year, the ABA Journal invites nominations for its Blawg 100 list, a compilation of staff and reader “favorites” within the legal blogosphere. The rigorous selection process for the 2015 list has begun, with the magazine calling for recommendations from “Blawg Amici” – regular readers who wish to support and spread the word about their favorite legal blogs.

Here’s a sampling of posts from the past year:

If you have enjoyed and valued our updates during the past year and believe the NJ Family Legal Blog deserves a spot in the top 100, we invite you to take a few moments to nominate us. The online nomination process is very quick – it shouldn’t take more than a minute or so.

Blawg Amici nominations will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. CT on August 16, 2015. Thank you in advance for your support!

from NJ Family Legal Blog http://ift.tt/1JaFq9s

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